Thursday, October 28, 2004

Leadership for a Change

The time has come for us to make a decision and cast a vote for the 54th State Assembly District. One candidate has proven that he has the knowledge, experience, and leadership necessary to effectively represent the district. One candidate has earned a master's degree in public administration from UW-Madison, was a research assistant for Governor Tommy Thompson's Kettl Commission, and was an analyst for the Budget Bureau of Long Beach, California's 5th largest city with a $1.7 billion annual budget. This candidate is Gordon Hintz.

Progressive Democratic candidate Gordon Hintz has earned my vote. He understands that first and foremost he must work to correct the budget mess created by Rep. Gregg Underheim and his fellow Republicans. Gordon will not support gimmicks designed to remove the burden of making tough decisions from the legislature that could ultimately devastate local governments, school districts, and the UW System. Gordon will also not support raising our taxes. He knows that in order to fund current programs the state needs to create $700 million of new revenue or make tough decisions on the budget. Therefore, Gordon will work to examine every item in the budget for efficiency and effectiveness and explore means of generating additional revenue.

There has been a lot of rhetoric in this election and people have said that if you want change to vote for someone other than a Democrat or Republican. I disagree. We should not vote for a candidate based on his or her party label. We should vote for a candidate that represents our values, beliefs, and that we know will provide the leadership to represent us.

True, Gordon is a Democrat and has stated that he will caucus with the Democrats because that is the party that shares his values and beliefs. Even Independent candidate Dan Carpenter stated he would most likely caucus with the Democrats. However, Gordon has expressed a desire to work across party lines to provide effective leadership for our district. This is the kind of leadership Oshkosh needs to represent us in Madison.

It's time for leadership for a change! It's time for Gordon Hintz! Gordon is endorsed by United States Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold, Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle, and most recently by the Oshkosh Northwestern. If you would like more information about Gordon Hintz and how he will create a vital Oshkosh and Wisconsin in the 21st Century, please visit his website at

Finally, I urge the citizens of the 54th State Assembly District to vote on November 2 for a progressive candidate that will effectively represent us. I urge you to vote for Gordon Hintz!


Blogger Bryan L. Bain said...

Mr. Mitchell,

Your argument that Gordon has not proven anything because "he has not been an elected representative" or "been accountable to constituents" basically means that any candidate running for office who's never held office can't prove he/she is ready for the job. This couldn't be further from the truth. Since when does a candidate need to have prior elected experience to prove their abilities?

Allow me to re-summarize Gordon's knowledge, experience, and leadership that proves he can effectively represent us: he has earned a master's degree in public administration, worked as a legislative staff assistant for a US Senator and US Representative, served on a governor's commission, was an analyst for a $1.7 billion city budget, and is currently an associate with Public Administration Associates LLC, a municipal consulting firm in Oshkosh.

Among the challengers, Gordon is the only candidate with true governmental experience. And, if the basis of your argument is that a candidate must have real experience to be elected, then I'm sure Gordon will be happy to receive your vote on Tuesday.

You further state that Gordon is not progressive and will not represent Oshkosh. You couldn't be more wrong. Gordon supports increasing the minimum wage to benefit 160,000 hardworking Wisconsin citizens. Gordon also supports State Senator Carol Roessler's Addicted Offenders Accountability and Public Safety Act to offer alternatives to incarceration for non-violent drug and substance abuse offenders.

Furthermore, Gordon opposes balancing the state budget on the students and parents with tuition increases and university system cuts. He stands with law enforcement in opposing the concealed carry legislation, he supports protecting the Stewardship fund and preserving farmland, he opposes the so-called "Job Creation Act", supports creating public/private insurance pools to lower health care costs, supports public financing of campaigns, and opposes denying civil rights to citizens. Finally, Gordon is the candidate that has been endorsed by Progressive Majority.

Gordon is realistic about what can be done with the current budget mess. He understands that fixing the budget is priority number one. Furthermore, Gordon understands that you can't be an effective representative when you call colleagues "bastards"; that you can't promise seniors and students everything without massive tax increases; and that in order to pass legislation, a representative will need to work inside the assembly with his colleagues.

Gordon is committed to not raising taxes and is committed to working with all members of the assembly to effectively represent Oshkosh. That's a major difference between Mr. Palmeri and Mr. Hintz, one that voters should remember when they enter the voting booth on Tuesday.

On a personal note, I don't believe we've ever met before, let alone had a conversation about politics, how I choose for whom to vote, or my voting record. Your final comments displayed your ignorance and lack of knowledge. I suggest you learn a lot more about a person before you attempt to characterize them.


Bryan L. Bain

7:55 PM  
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